
  • Bars
  • Round bars

Our nickel silver bars are the perfect choice for applications where the material needs to withstand high temperatures while keepings its physical properties.


These bars are primarily used in high temperature processes since the nickel can withstand more than 1200° Celsius.

Data sheet

CDA Composición (%) Length (m) Diameter (mm)
ASTM DIN EN JIS Cu Ni Min Máx Min Máx
C 702 Cu702 C 7020 97.50 2.50 1.5 4 2.50 6.50
C 705 Cu705 C 7050 93.20 6.80 1.5 4 2.50 6.50
C 707 Cu707 C 7070 90 10 1.5 4 2.50 6.50

Data sheet

CDA Composición (%) Length (m) Diameter (mm)
ASTM DIN EN JIS Cu Ni Sn Min Máx Min Máx
C 725 Cu725 C 7250 88.20 9.50 2.30 1.5 4 2.50 6.50

Data sheet

CDA Composición (%) Length (m) Diameter (mm)
ASTM DIN EN JIS Cu Ni Zn Min Máx Min Máx
C 745 Cu745 C 7450 65 10 25 1.5 4 2.50 6.50
C 752 Cu752 C 7520 65 18 17 1.5 4 2.50 6.50
C 757 Cu757 C 7570 65 12 23 1.5 4 2.50 6.50
C 760 Cu760 C 7600 61.5 8 30.5 1.5 4 2.50 6.50